Manualslib – User Guides & Owners Manuals library v1.5.1Product Manuals Library
Optimized and Complete Version of the Program

For a long time, providing a user manual alongside products has become a global standard. The user manual consists of several pages and provides the user with information about the product, its specifications and performance, as well as instructions on how to use and maintain it. Often, people do not read these manuals and start using the product as soon as they buy it. This can lead to them not being aware of certain features of the product for the rest of its lifespan, and not being able to maintain it properly due to not knowing how to. These manuals are usually thrown away with the product packaging, and the user no longer has access to them. Today, we have an app that has been designed and developed to solve this problem. Manualslib – User Guides & Owners Manuals library is an app for accessing user manuals for various products, specifically for the Android operating system, developed by and available for free on Google Play. With this app, you can easily find the user manual for your desired product and add it to your “My Manuals” list, giving you access to it on your phone at any time. You do not need to know information such as the product’s serial number or exact name to find the user manual. You can easily search for it by a part of the product name. There are various filters available that make the search process very easy and fast. Some products have documents such as installation instructions, quick start guides, specification lists, repair guides, etc., which this app finds and provides all in one place. You can save these documents in different folders within the app for easier access in future references. You can also bookmark sections of the documents so you don’t have to search through the entire manual again.

Some of the features and capabilities of the application Manualslib – User Guides & Owners Manuals library for Android:

  • More than 2.7 million user manuals from various products
  • Coverage of over 50,000 factories and manufacturers from around the world
  • Powerful search engine with various filters
  • Possibility to share all or part of documents
  • Ability to create an account and save documents in your library
  • Possibility to create folders to organize documents
  • Ability to add bookmarks to documents

The Manualslib – User Guides & Owners Manuals library app has received an excellent rating of 4.6 out of 5.0 from Google Play users with more than 500,000 downloads. You can now download the optimized version of this app with all its features and capabilities for free from Usroid.

Version Changes v1.5.1:

* Partial update – We have updated our Google Play Developer API from version 2 to version 3, as required by Google Play.


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