Codenza Pro v3.0 – Application Codenza Pro for Tablets and Android Phones
Purchased and complete version of the app for $4.99 on Google Play

Programming is one of the modern world’s professions that has been around for more than a few decades. In programming, as the name suggests, software is created using code in various programming languages. There are many programming languages, some of which are used for specific purposes, while others are general-purpose languages that can be used for various tasks and projects. Programming is a process based on mathematics, so it is classified in the field of engineering. Due to the growth of this profession in recent years and its relatively good income, many people are interested in entering it. Learning programming does not require going to university, and it can be learned well through practice and study. Today, we are here to help you with a program that is designed to make this task easier. Codenza Pro is the title of an application for learning programming in various languages, specifically for the Android operating system, developed by Divyendra Patil and published for $4.99 on Google Play. Codenza is a program designed for programming enthusiasts and computer science students to help them learn various aspects of programming. This program covers a large number of programming languages and topics, which are classified in different sections from basic principles to advanced concepts in programming. The covered concepts in different languages include: basics, data structures, algorithms, methods/functions, exception handling, practical programming, object-oriented programming, regular expressions, variables and operators, conditional statements and loops, arrays, classes and objects, encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance, abstract classes and interfaces, anonymous and inner classes, threads. If you are looking to learn the fundamentals of programming and want to learn it from a reliable source, we recommend this program to you.

Certaines fonctionnalités et capacités de l’application Codenza Pro pour Android:

  • Formation complète sur les concepts de programmation, de base à avancés
  • Inclut des tutoriels sur un grand nombre de langages de programmation
  • Tous les tutoriels sont accompagnés d’exemples.
  • Les codes peuvent être téléchargés et exécutés à partir de l’application.
  • Les langages avancés pour l’intelligence artificielle, la science des données et … sont également pris en charge dans cette application.
  • C, C++, Java, structures de données en C, C++ et Java, algorithmes en C, C++ et Java, graphiques informatiques en C, C++ et Java, PHP, Python, C#, Perl, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Ruby, ASP.
  • SQL, PLSQL, MySQL, programmation R, Lua, intelligence artificielle, cryptographie et sécurité, analyse de données volumineuses, systèmes d’exploitation, microprocesseurs, traitement de signal numérique, systèmes parallèles et distribués, entrepôts de données et extraction de données, programmation de systèmes et compilateurs (SPCC), réseaux informatiques, assembleur.

L’application Codenza Pro est une excellente application pour apprendre la programmation professionnelle, qui a réussi à obtenir une note de 4,5 sur 5 par les utilisateurs d’Android sur Google Play. Vous pouvez maintenant obtenir la version achetée de cette application avec toutes ses fonctionnalités et capacités gratuitement sur Usroid.


Codenza Pro