Curio: mendengarkan jurnalisme hebat v6.43.0  – برنامه yang hebat untuk mendengarkan artikel dari majalah-majalah terkemuka di dunia
versi berlangganan dan lengkap dari aplikasi ini 

These days, we are all so busy with various tasks and responsibilities that we have less time to focus on other things, such as reading. Reading has many benefits and makes us more aware in life, allowing us to make wiser and more thoughtful decisions. Therefore, it is necessary for each of us to spend a part of our day on reading. The best resources for reading and increasing knowledge are reputable publications from around the world. Fortunately, many publications are now available online and their content can be easily accessed on smartphones. There are various types of publications that focus on specific topics, and everyone can find relevant publications according to their taste and needs. As mentioned, due to lack of time, we often cannot dedicate enough time to reading. Today, we are here with a solution to this problem with a smart idea. Curio: hear great journalism is the title of an application for listening to articles from reputable international publications, specifically for the Android operating system. It is developed by Curio Labs Limited and is available for free on Google Play. With this app, you can listen to high-quality articles from reputable publications such as The Economist, The Guardian, Financial Times, Bloomberg, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, and many others. These articles cover a variety of topics and are not only informative but also entertaining, making them perfect for leisure time. If you usually spend part of your day on the bus, in traffic, at the doctor’s office, or in other waiting situations, you can use this app to turn your idle time into valuable opportunities for increasing knowledge.

Beberapa fitur dan kemampuan aplikasi Curio: mendengarkan jurnalisme hebat untuk Android:

  • Akses ke artikel dari lebih dari 30 jurnal dunia yang terpercaya
  • Kualitas tinggi file audio artikel
  • Cara yang luar biasa untuk menghabiskan waktu luang
  • Kemampuan untuk mengunduh artikel dan mendengarkannya di waktu lain
  • Penambahan artikel baru setiap hari

Aplikasi Curio: hear great journalism telah berhasil meraih rating 3.7 dari 5.0 dari pengguna Android dan mendapatkan penghargaan dari Google Play. Curio memiliki banyak batasan dalam versi gratisnya dan untuk mengakses semua artikel, Anda perlu membeli langganan bulanan. Namun, karena biaya langganan yang tinggi dan tidak dapatnya membeli langganan dari Iran, kami telah menyediakan versi berlangganan dari aplikasi ini untuk Anda. Dengan mengunduhnya, Anda dapat mengakses semua artikel tanpa batasan. Sekarang, Anda dapat mengunduh versi berlangganan dari aplikasi ini dengan semua fitur dan kemampuan dari Usroid secara gratis.


Curio hear great journalism