[Asisten Pelacak Berat v3.10.5.2 [Terbuka – Aplikasi Pengelolaan dan Penurunan Berat Badan untuk Android
Versi Terbuka dengan Akses Tidak Terbatas ke Fitur-fitur

Having an ideal weight not only provides a healthy body, but also increases self-confidence in humans. Many people have decided to lose weight, but have given up halfway due to physical pressures and returned to their previous weight. Weight Track Assistant is a professional program designed to help with weight loss for tablets and phones with Android operating system. It uses its intelligent system to track users’ weight at any given moment and assist them in this journey. At the beginning of the program, enter your weight to receive information such as BMI, body fat percentage, and BMR. Then, by entering your height, the program will measure your ideal weight and provide it to you. When using this software, you must enter your weight three times a day so that it can show your progress with accurate analysis and graphical charts. One of the best features of Weight Track Assistant is its unique goal-setting system, where users can see their goal every time they use the program to avoid losing motivation on this difficult journey. With each daily use, you will be able to see your progress and stay determined in your goals. Additionally, to prevent data loss, you can synchronize it with cloud servers so that you can recover your information in case of any problems.

Beberapa fitur dan kemampuan dari Weight Track Assistant Android:

  • UI yang sangat indah dan mudah digunakan
  • Menampilkan BMI yang akurat, persentase lemak, BMR, dan rasio pinggang ke pinggul
  • Menambahkan berat badan dalam tiga tahap sehari untuk meningkatkan akurasi program
  • Statistik yang akurat tentang perubahan berat badan
  • Memantau berat badan harian dan menampilkan tujuan
  • Grafik untuk melihat tingkat kemajuan
  • Dukungan untuk dua unit metrik dan imperial
  • Dukungan untuk server cloud untuk mencegah kehilangan informasi

Aplikasi Weight Track Assistant telah dirilis secara gratis untuk membantu orang dalam menurunkan berat badan, serta tersedia dengan pembelian dalam aplikasi. Dengan lebih dari 5 juta unduhan dan peringkat 4.1 dari 5.0 di Google Play Store, Anda dapat mengunduh versi terbaru yang telah di-unlock dari server Usroid.


Weight Track Assistant