Cloud Console v1.24.571000713 – 全面监控安卓上的谷歌云服务

Web applications are software that can usually be used by everyone and can be accessed through the internet via a website. For example, Gmail is a web-based software that handles sending, receiving, and managing emails. In order for the software to be available on the internet for everyone, it must be uploaded onto a web server. Almost all the websites we know are hosted and functioning on a server. However, having the software on a server can make it vulnerable. This is because if the server shuts down or is disconnected, access to the software will also be cut off. To solve this problem, various companies suggest using cloud computing instead of a server. In this method, instead of having the software on just one server, it is distributed across a group of computers and servers. The number of these computers is very large, providing users with a lot of processing power and completely eliminating the problem of losing access to the software due to server shutdowns. Google services such as search engine, YouTube, etc. are all hosted on the cloud computing platform of this company. That is why they are never unavailable. Google has been providing its cloud computing service to users for several years now and it can be used by paying a monthly fee. Google has also developed an application to manage this service. Cloud Console is the name of an application for complete management of Google’s cloud computing service, specifically designed for the Android operating system and developed by Google LLC. It is available for free on Google Play. With this application, you can view all the details related to the purchased service, such as resource usage, APIs, service costs, etc. in full detail. It also provides you with a terminal to perform more advanced management tasks on your service.

一些Cloud Console安卓应用程序的功能和功能:

  • 显示服务详情,如资源使用情况、账单、服务状态等
  • 能够创建自定义仪表板,在主页上布置重要信息
  • 完全监控服务状态、计算引擎和虚拟机
  • 访问Cloud Shell,执行与谷歌云服务相关的各种操作
  • 完全访问错误、问题和相关报告

Cloud Console应用是谷歌云处理服务所有者和用户的综合、完整工具。它在安卓用户中获得了4.5分(满分5分)的满意度。现在,您可以从Usroid免费下载原始、完整且无广告的版本,带有所有功能和功能。


Cloud Console