Android Divar App; The largest and most popular marketplace for buying and selling everything!
Original/Official/Original package available on Google Play
Divar website



دانلود برنامه دیوار اندروید


应用程序Divar – دیوار具有许多强大的功能,您可以将您感兴趣的广告放入列表中,以便快速访问,无需在数千条广告中搜索。与卖家和买家进行聊天是Divar提供的最新功能之一,您可以与卖家和买家进行交流,无需拨打电话或消耗手机话费。筛选器也可以帮助您在最短的时间内找到您需要的东西;例如,如果您正在寻找一辆型号为x的汽车,价格范围为x-y,并且还有其他一些参数,您可以使用筛选器仅查看符合您专属筛选器的广告列表。由于Divar使用内部服务器,因此不会出现任何广告加载延迟,您可以在最短的时间内使用所有功能。


برنامه دیوار اندروید


The Divar program is offered 100% free, but for certain tasks you will need to pay, for example if you want to update your ad or add an urgent label under it, you will need to pay a specific amount, or in the ad registration section for businesses, you will need to pay money, ultimately every free service needs income to cover its expenses, and the only 100% free service that has never asked for money from its users is Usroid! :)) You can always get the latest and newest version of the Divar program, made by intelligent ad processors, for free with just one click from Usroid’s high-speed servers. This version is actually the original and official version of Divar, which you can also download from Google Play.

