Drop Wizard – جادوگر is the title of a game in the arcade genre, published by NEUTRONIZED game studio for Android devices with a price of $4.99. Previous games by this game studio, like the game ahead, were pixelated games. There is a special and lovable feature about pixelated games that cannot be described, and this feature has made many gamers fans of such games. Drop Wizard is also one of these games that captures your heart from the very beginning and you fall in love with it. This game is definitely a game that remains faithful to the legacy of classic arcade games, but at the same time, it has been modernized and updated. Your goal in this game is very simple: to destroy all enemies in each level. To do this, your hero has a wooden staff that can throw stars at his enemies and confuse them in the first stage and destroy them with a powerful spell in the second stage. Although these stars can only be thrown when the hero moves from one platform to another. To make the adventure more challenging, each level is designed in a fixed environment with open sides at the top and bottom, and the hero can exit from the bottom and re-enter from the top. This turns each level into an active puzzle that is unique and very interesting in its own way. In each level, you must think about which path to take to exit from the bottom and re-enter from the top, how the timing of the hero’s movements should be for the destruction of enemies, which platform to go to so as not to get stuck between enemies and walls, and so on. The controls are very simple, and to move left and right, you just need to touch one side of the device’s screen for your hero to move in that direction.


Drop Wizard


正如之前提到的,Drop Wizard游戏中,星星们第一次遇到敌人时会感到困惑,为了彻底消灭它们,必须给它们一个魔法。但是这必须在短时间内完成,否则敌人会再次变得强大,给你带来麻烦。此外,当敌人被消灭时,它们会留下一些掉落物,你可以收集它们。这些掉落物通常是食物,糖果或钻石,它们实际上就是游戏中的成就。除此之外,游戏中还有一个3星评分系统,这个评分系统与其他游戏的3星评分系统完全不同。游戏中存在一些物品,当你给敌人施放魔法时,它们会被毁灭并与这些物品碰撞。这些物品通常会给你金币,但有时也会给你星星。因此,获得3星与玩得好或达到特定分数没有直接关系,实际上你必须在游戏中获得3星。但是分数也很重要,通过获得高分并获得3星,你可以在谷歌Play排行榜中获得一个位置。如今,大多数游戏都使用谷歌Play排行榜,这值得称赞,因为它总是激励你获得更好的分数,并始终保持竞争的感觉。虽然Drop Wizard与其他街机游戏有一些共同点,但它也增加了更多的益智和思维元素,使游戏更加有趣。每个关卡都有自己的特殊规则,你必须发现它们,并小心不要在此过程中失去你的3条宝贵的生命,以便在充满刺激的最终战斗中生存。敌人在设计关卡时起着重要作用,他们总是用他们自己的机制和移动模式给你惊喜。这导致游戏有超过60个关卡,并且正在不断发展,为你带来令人惊叹的体验,你在任何其他游戏中都没有见过。除此之外,音效和音乐效果也做得很好,使游戏的氛围更加吸引人和有趣。Drop Wizard在安卓市场上获得了4.7的高评分,因此Usroid团队决定将最终和购买的版本完全免费提供给您。您可以在本文的末尾从我们的服务器下载这款游戏,并享受它的运行!

版本变更 v1.0.71:

* Various optimizations and bug fixes for the game
