印度教日历 v2.5.1  – 专为安卓设备设计的黄历应用

Panchang, also known as Panchangam, is used to determine the five elements of astrology, namely Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karana, and Vaar (day of the week). These elements, when combined for a day, are known as Panchang. These five elements change every day with the movement of the moon and the sun. Therefore, followers of Hinduism refer to Panchangam on a daily basis. Drik Panchang is one of the most famous Panchangams available on the internet and we are here to assist you with its Android version, which does not require an internet connection. Hindu Calendar is the title of a comprehensive Hindu calendar or Panchangam application, specifically designed for the Android operating system, developed by Drik Panchang Private Limited and available for free on Google Play. The calendar view of this application can be used for both lunar and solar calendars, such as Bengali Panjika, Malayalam Panchangam, Oriya Panji, and Tamil Panchangam. The lunar calendar can be set by selecting the options of Purnimanta, Amanta, Vikrama Samvata, Shaka Samvata, and Gujarati Samvata. These options can convert a lunar calendar into a Gujarati Panchang, Telugu Panchangam, or Kannada Panchangam. This application is the most comprehensive source for Hindu festivals and festivals, including the most Hindu and Indian festivals, government holidays, Jain festivals, fasting days such as Akadashi, Sankashti, Pradosham, Purnima, Sankranti, Durgashtami, and Shivaratri for each month. Drik Panchang also supports Kundali and can create Lagna, Navamsha, Surya, Chandra, and Shukra Kundali for any date, time, and location. It also shows the exact planetary position for Lagna Kundali, including Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, True Rahu, True Ketu, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This application also has a timer and a diksha calculator. The feature of astrology based on Ashtakoota is also included in the program to provide all necessary tools for Hindu followers in one application. The number of features in this application is very large and is constantly being added with new updates.

某些功能和特性的 Hindu Calendar Android 版本:

  • 可作为孟加拉语波基亚,马拉雅拉姆潘卡克姆,奥里亚潘卡和泰米尔潘卡的阴历或阳历日历
  • 丰富的印度节日资源,包括斋戒日,官方假期和其他庆祝活动
  • 精确显示太阳,月亮,火星,水星,木星,金星,土星,天王星,海王星和冥王星的位置
  • 根据阿斯塔科塔进行占星预测
  • 追踪时间和日期
  • 支持多种语言

Hindu Calendar 应用程序是最完整的印度日历,已获得安卓用户的满意度,并从Google Play用户那里获得了 4.8分的高评分。您现在可以从 Usroid 免费下载带有所有功能和功能的解锁版本。此应用程序是根据您的要求推荐的,并且最新版本已经为您准备好。


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