Kathy Rain – Kathy in the Rain is a popular and entertaining game in the adventure genre from the game studio Raw Fury for Android devices. It was originally released for PC and now we are seeing its Android version released on the Play Store, which is available to Android users worldwide for $4.99 and as always, we have decided to introduce the purchased and complete version to you, dear fans of puzzle and Point and Click Adventure games! The story of the game revolves around the main character, Kathy, a popular journalist who becomes trapped in her past and gets involved in discovering the secrets of her grandfather’s murder! Kathy is a brave girl who returns to her mysterious hometown with her motorcycle, cigarette pack, and notebook to uncover the events that are taking place! An exciting journey that will have emotional turmoil! Kathy Rain is a classic-style game with countless story complexities! As Kathy follows the clues left by her grandfather, questions arise; what was Joseph Rain looking for that night? What caused him to be confined to a wheelchair? What caused the death of a young artist at his own hands? And ultimately, why have the people of Conwell Springs gone mad? The truth is dark and demonic!


Kathy Rain Android Games


游戏Kathy Rain受到了热烈的欢迎,并成功获得了4.6分(满分5分)的评分!如果您是对智力游戏和冒险游戏感兴趣的安卓玩家,那么毫无疑问,Kathy Rain的精彩制作将吸引您的注意!游戏的特色包括:超过4,000条对话,游戏场景超过40个,精美而令人兴奋的音乐,关于90年代的精彩故事和像素化的图形!如果您是冒险游戏和精彩游戏玩家,毫无疑问,Kathy Rain将吸引您的注意,但如果您是对图形游戏感兴趣,我们建议您立即离开本帖子,因为Kathy Rain的图形不会吸引您,您会立即删除游戏!您可以从Usroid的高速服务器下载已购买和完整版的游戏,并安装和游戏,最后告诉我们,您是否认为游戏值得下载?!

* 删除游戏中不必要的访问权限。

安装和运行Kathy Rain安卓游戏的指南:

– 页面上下载文件,然后解压它,将之处于直观中。 在路径中复制文件夹后,将文件夹复制到Android/Obb。