农历日历 PRO v4.2 提供完整信息和专门建议的月历应用 安卓版

Idea of the impact of the moon on people dates back thousands of years, when science and knowledge were not as widespread. People believed for centuries that the moon affects their behavior. According to a 1995 American study conducted at the University of New Orleans, 81% of mental health professionals believe that the moon’s cycle affects human behavior. Some psychiatric hospitals also follow special care protocols during the full moon. On nights when the full moon is present, some people experience nervousness, disrupted sleep, and a greater inclination towards exercise and physical activity. In 1992, researchers in Geneva discovered that the moon affects electrons. Every day, the moon emits different electromagnetic radiation, and these “microwaves” affect the cells in our body. When the full moon is present, these radiations can have an electrical effect and stimulate people’s nerves, causing changes in their sleep patterns. The moon can have a significant impact on human life, although many consider these claims to be unscientific and view people’s belief in the moon’s impact as superstitious. However, if you also believe in the moon’s influence on humans, the app we are introducing today is perfect for you. Lunar Calendar PRO is the title of a moon calendar app that provides daily information and suggestions for the Android operating system, developed by the software group Harmony of Life and priced at $3.99 on Google Play. With this app, you can fully observe the moon’s status and its impact on humans every day. This app also provides recommendations to help you make the most of each day.

一些Lunar Calendar PRO安卓应用的功能和特点:

  • 每天显示月相,甚至过去的日期
  • 提供健康建议(如在特定日期避免某种食物)
  • 一般和商业建议
  • 关于感情关系的建议
  • 关于种植产品的建议
  • 特定日期瑜伽建议
  • 准确显示月份
  • 显示当前星座
  • 以文本和图形表单显示信息
  • 支持所有安卓设备和屏幕尺寸
  • 能够在特定日期(如生日、结婚纪念日等)显示月份信息

Lunar Calendar PRO 应用程序是一个非常实用的应用程序,适用于所有相信月亮对人类生活有影响,并希望与自然和谐相处的用户。 Lunar Calendar PRO非常受欢迎,已经获得了安卓用户的满意度,从而获得了4.6 / 5.0的高评分。您可以从Usroid免费获取付费版本,并获得所有访问权限和功能。


Lunar Calendar PRO