PiePie Launcher- Omni Customizable Pixel Launcher v1.5.0 可定制的像素启动器 pie,拥有丰富的个性化功能,专为安卓

Android mobile operating system has one of the best features, its customization abilities. You can change different parts of this operating system to your liking. One of the easiest ways to completely change the visual user interface of Android is to use Android launchers. Android launchers have been an inseparable part of the Android user experience for a long time. If you are tired of the current appearance of your operating system and want to create variety in the appearance of your Android device, you can install different launchers on it. Launchers usually offer many features and settings for different parts of the user interface, and you can change items such as the home screen, icons, app menu, widgets, and … according to your taste. Many launchers have been made for the Android operating system, each of which can satisfy a group of users. Today, we are also at your service with a very beautiful launcher. PiePie Launcher – Omni Customizable Pixel Launcher is the title of a launcher with the appearance and style of Android 9 specifically designed for the Android operating system, which has been developed by the CraftsApp Team software group and is available for free on Google Play. By installing this launcher, you can fully experience the complete appearance of Android 9 or pie on devices with older versions of Android. This launcher, with its many features and customization options, can make your Android device more efficient and beautiful and give it a unique appearance.

一些PiePie Launcher- Omni Customizable Pixel Launcher安卓应用的功能和特点:

  • 完全定制主屏幕设计,图标大小,应用程序名称样式,显示或隐藏通知栏等等。
  • 拥有14种不同且吸引人的滚动效果,可以添加淡出和滚动缩放效果,使它们更加吸引人。
  • 完全个性化的小部件,包括时间格式,字体和搜索栏样式。
  • 完全个性化的应用程序菜单。
  • 可以使用不同的图标包,并编辑图标显示方式。
  • 拥有各种手势(支持Android 7的所有手势)。
  • 个性化的快捷方式和弹出菜单。
  • 非常简单易用的用户界面,即使对于新手也很容易上手。
  • 可以通过一个按钮进行各种设置。
  • 拥有儿童模式,可以限制儿童访问不适宜的内容。
  • 拥有多样且美观的图标包和壁纸。
  • 可以隐藏应用程序。

PiePie Launcher- Omni Customizable Pixel Launcher是一款非常实用和优秀的应用程序,为那些想要拥有完整的定制界面和功能的用户提供了Android 9的外观。 PiePie Launcher最近在Google Play上发布,获得了Android用户的满意度,并获得了4.2分(满分5分)。您现在可以从Usroid免费获取此应用程序的专业版,包含所有功能和功能。


PiePie Launcher- Omni Customizable Pixel Launcher Pro