Pydroid 3 – Python 3的IDE v7.2 – Pydroid 3 – Android上的高级Python编译器

The emergence of computers marked the beginning of a new era in human life and completely changed our world. What made computers powerful and allowed them to enter various practical fields was the existence of programming languages. There are over 700 programming languages in the world, each designed for a specific purpose. One of the most widely used and popular languages is Python. Python is a high-level, versatile, and advanced language created by Guido van Rossum in 1991. This language is now used for all kinds of tasks and has one of the largest user communities among all programming languages. Today, we have a program at your service that allows you to program in Python on your Android phone and tablet. Pydroid 3 – IDE for Python 3 is the title of an advanced and comprehensive compiler for the Python language, designed for the Android operating system and developed by IIEC. This program is completely offline and you can write code on it and get output without the need for internet. It supports various libraries and features such as code completion, highlighting, etc. are embedded in the program.

一些Pydroid 3- Python 3的安卓IDE的功能和特點:

  • 工作完全离线,无需互联网
  • Pip包管理器和自定义包存储库,用于高级科学库,包括numpy,scipy,matplotlib,scikit-Learn和jupyter。
  • OpenCV可用(适用于支持CameraI API的设备)。
  • 支持TensorFlow和PyTorch
  • 包含各种示例以更好地学习Python编程
  • 完整支持Tkinter用于图形用户界面。
  • 完整的终端模拟器,支持读取行
  • 包括专门为Pydroid 3设计的C,C ++和Fortran编译器。
  • 可以使用命令行代码添加依赖项
  • 支持Cython
  • 调试PDB
  • 带有SDL2后端的Kivy图形库
  • 支持PyQt5,可在Quick Install存储库中找到,无需额外的代码即可支持PyQt5 matplotlib
  • 支持在Quick Install存储库中找到的Matplotlib Kivy。
  • 支持pygame 2
  • 代码高亮以提高可读性
  • 自动完成代码
  • 支持选项卡

应用程序Pydroid 3 – Python 3的IDE是一个完整的程序,适用于所有Python程序员,它已经获得了Android用户的满意度,得分为4.3 / 5.0。 您现在可以从Usroid完全免费获得此应用程序的原始版本,包括所有功能和功能。


Pydroid 3 - IDE for Python