QR/Barcode Scanner PRO v1.3.9 – 扫描仪应用程序,智能的安卓条形码扫描仪

Barcodes are an integral part of goods that store various information. In recent years, the use of barcodes has expanded beyond just products and can now be seen on business cards as well. The daily growth of barcodes has also led to an increase in barcode scanners. QR/Barcode Scanner PRO is a simple and intelligent barcode scanner app for Android, published by EasyToolsDev Studio. This amazing software allows users to easily scan any desired barcodes and extract all the information within them. The smart system also helps users share the received information with their friends and gain new experiences in this field. One of the most important features of this app is its support for camera flash, making scanning in dark places much easier.

一些QR / Barcode Scanner PRO Android应用程序的功能和功能:

  • 扫描和提取条形码中的各种信息
  • 能够共享提取的信息
  • 非常快速地扫描条形码
  • 用户界面非常简单,没有任何复杂的选项
  • 可以访问所有扫描的条形码的历史记录
  • 支持使用闪光灯在黑暗环境下扫描

拥有多种功能的 QR/Barcode Scanner PRO 应用程序,以其3.99美元的价格获得了4.3/5.0的评分,现在您可以从Usroid的高速服务器上获取最新版本的购买版本。在我们的版本中,所有功能都可用,无时间限制。


QR Code Scanner Pro - Smart&Fast