文本分析器Pro v7.4.0 – 专为安卓设计的专业文本分析应用程序

Android tools are constantly evolving and new features are being added to them; among them, some perform a specific task that is used by some users! The Usroid website, as the best Persian Android website, has provided a variety of programs to you dear ones so far and we intend to introduce you to a new title in this post. Text Analyzer Pro is the name of a professional text analysis application developed by Graspery for Android and published on Google Play. This software is a simple text analysis tool for counting words, characters, sentences, and paragraphs of your text. Users can type their texts, copy them from another application, or scan texts through images! This software uses Google’s intelligent system for scanning photos and analyzing texts, which is very accurate. The application of this startup can be mentioned as analyzing text before sending articles, which is unique in its kind. The counts performed by this software are in real time and each word added to it will be analyzed instantly.

Text Analyzer Pro安卓应用程序的一些功能和特点:

  • 使用高速生成文本图像和分析
  • 实时分析,无任何错误
  • 查看单词数、字符数、句子数或段落数
  • 将所有分析保存到Start App存档中
  • 获取分析PDF版本或将其保存到云服务器
  • 独特单词和其频率
  • 正态分布单词图表
  • 显示同义词

通过 Text Analyzer Pro应用程序,利用其各种功能和特点,以0.99美元的价格获得了4.2分(满分5分)的评分,现在您可以从备受欢迎的Usroid网站下载最新版本的应用程序,没有任何限制。此应用程序是根据您的要求推荐的。


Text Analyzer Pro