AnkiDroid Flashcards v2.18.4 Using Flashcards on Android
Original, complete and ad-free version of the app

Unlike computers, which store information in an organized manner, the human brain’s memory system is unstructured and stores information in a linear and sometimes random way. This is why it is highly likely that some received information will be forgotten very quickly or be erased from memory after a period of time. Therefore, it is necessary to organize input information to the brain using practical and tested methods to make it more enduring in memory. Over time, various methods have been developed for this purpose, one of which is the use of flashcards. Flashcards are very useful tools for remembering everything. These cards are usually used double-sided, with a question on one side and an answer on the other. Typically, each card also includes a note or question. Consistent use of these cards causes the brain to store the information contained in the cards in an organized manner in long-term memory and remember it for years to come. Today, we have an application that brings flashcards to smartphones virtually. AnkiDroid Flashcards is an application for creating, managing, and using flashcards specifically for the Android operating system, developed and published for free on Google Play by the AnkiDroid Open Source Team. This program supports the spaced repetition system well and shows you the cards before you forget them, repeating them until you can no longer forget the content of the cards. This program has different clients for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome OS. In all of these programs, you can use a unified account and have your information available in all clients uniformly.

Some of the features and capabilities of the AnkiDroid Flashcards Android application:

  • Support for various types of content for flashcards: text, image, audio and LaTeX
  • Periodic repetition (SuperMemo 2 algorithm)
  • Integration with text-to-speech conversion
  • Over 6,000 ready-made decks for flashcards
  • Widget to display progress
  • Partial statistics display
  • Synchronization with AnkiWeb
  • Completely open source
  • Backup feature for program data
  • Optimized display for tablets
  • Support for font changes
  • Various options for personalizing the program
  • Night mode
  • Integration with various dictionaries (ColorDict, GoldenDict, org, Aedict, etc.)

AnkiDroid Flashcards is one of the best applications for using flashcards on Android, which has received a rating of 4.5 out of 5.0 from Google Play users. You can now download the original, complete and ad-free version of this program with all its features and capabilities for free from Usroid.


AnkiDroid Flashcards