Virtual Microscope – Minerals v1.1.10 – Aplikasi Mikroskop Virtual Mineral untuk Android
Versi yang dibeli dengan harga $3.99 disajikan untuk Anda
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Geology can be considered one of the most difficult university majors, as few people are willing to choose it and continue their studies in this field due to its high complexity. Understanding the different types of rocks and minerals is one of the most important needs for students in the field of geology, which helps them to progress quickly and easily achieve success. In previous posts, Usroid has introduced various software in this field, and in this post, we intend to introduce another one to you. Virtual Microscope – Minerals Paid is the title of a professional and interactive virtual microscope released by Andrei Ionut Apopei for the Android operating system. This application helps geologists to examine minerals and have access to all their microscopic features. Easily examine a thin layer of any substance and obtain accurate and specific information in this field to quickly answer all questions among your fellow students. Simply install this application to no longer need a petrographic microscope and be able to meet your needs in the shortest possible time.

Beberapa fitur dan kemampuan dari aplikasi Virtual Microscope – Minerals di Android:

  • Dukungan untuk berbagai mineral di lapisan tipis dan jenis silikat dan non-silikat
  • Lebih dari 95% lapisan tipis terdiri dari batuan Igneous, Metamorfik, dan Sedimen
  • Kemampuan untuk memutar 360 derajat pada lapisan yang diperbesar
  • Dibuat oleh para ahli geologi terkemuka
  • Antarmuka pengguna yang sederhana dan mudah digunakan untuk semua pengguna Android

Aplikasi Virtual Microscope – Minerals telah berhasil memperoleh rating 4.0 dari 5.0 dari pengguna Google Play dengan harga $3.99, dan sekarang Anda dapat mengunduh versi terbaru yang telah dibeli dari situs besar Usroid.

* Penambahan tombol keluar
* Penyelesaian masalah-masalah kecil dalam program.