[Jacob Ras Notes v12.2.3 [Donate – Fast and Secure Android Note Taking App
Purchased and complete version worth $2.19

We all have thoughts and ideas that suddenly come to our minds, and the best way to prevent forgetting them is to take note of them. Apart from paper notebooks that are not secure and not always available, the best tool for note-taking is using smart devices. Notes is the title of a fast and secure note-taking app for storing all your thoughts and ideas, developed by Jacob Ras for Android and published on the Google Play Store. One of the greatest strengths of this app compared to other apps in the Android market is its incredible user interface, which allows users to easily access all their notes and organize them without any complexity. Different categories make it easy to find your desired text without wasting hours searching for notes. In addition to all the mentioned features, as the title suggests, the existing security system protects all your information and does not allow anyone to access them!

Some of the features and capabilities of the Jacob Ras Notes Android app:

  • Quick and easy note-taking without any complexity
  • User-friendly environment for all types of Android users
  • Support for small and large displays
  • Protection of all information with a password
  • Sorting and categorizing all your notes
  • Possibility to send notes to cloud servers
  • Support for different languages
  • Synchronization of notes with other Android devices

The Jacob Ras Notes app has managed to attract the attention of more than 5 million users with its unique and special features and has received a rating of 4.3 out of 5.0 from them. You can now download the latest paid version with access to all features from the popular website Usroid; our version is complete and includes all features.


Jacob Ras Notes