NARUTO X BORUTO NINJA VOLTAGE v11.3.0 – “Naruto X Boruto” action game for Android
Another popular and beloved game from BANDAI NAMCO with over 10 million downloads
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NARUTO X BORUTO NINJA VOLTAGE – NARUTO X BORUTO: NINJA VOLTAGE is another popular game from the well-known company BANDAI NAMCO, the developer of the popular series TEKKEN, which is based on the famous anime and manga series Naruto. This game is exclusively based on the anime BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS and NARUTO SHIPPUDEN, and can be considered as the official game of these anime series. As the creators of this game say, NARUTO X BORUTO is a combination of these anime series in the form of a new collection and a video game. In this game, the famous characters of these anime series, especially the main character Naruto Uzumaki, are present. In NARUTO X BORUTO NINJA VOLTAGE, you have to form your own special group. To do this, you first need to build an exclusive castle and develop it. Build a strong defense for your castle. In the next step, you have to train your forces and attack other castles! These events happen as a strategic game in the action genre. This means that you have to use your strategic and managerial skills to take advantage of defense systems like traps and not allow enemies to attack and damage your castle. On the other hand, by collecting forces and cooperating with other groups, you can launch heavier attacks on enemy bases, defeat them, and loot their resources! Since the main characters of this game are ninjas and Japanese heroes, all battles are fought in the form of combat and action.


  • 设计动漫《火影忍者》中的著名角色,如宇智波佐助、旗木卡卡西、春野樱
  • 扮演主要角色,如漩涡鸣人和漩涡博人
  • 策略性和动作性游戏,可创建组合和使用忍术进行华丽的战斗
  • 有趣的日本武术模拟,如忍术和写轮眼风格
  • 简单而专业的控制方式
  • 使用特殊和强大的力量
  • 优秀的图形和适当的细节
  • 有趣的视觉效果和有趣的配音
  • 建立和保护城堡,利用各种陷阱和防御系统
  • 加入联盟并与其他玩家合作攻击敌人
  • 攻击其他基地和城堡,抢夺有价值的资源
  • 拥有全球排行榜和在线排名
  • 有多人游戏模式,可与4人团队一起玩

NARUTO X BORUTO NINJA VOLTAGE是一款结合动作和策略的游戏,也可以说是一款角色扮演游戏。在游戏中,您需要建立一个专业的基地并训练强大的忍者。使用组合和华丽的忍术击败敌人,成为这个地区最强大的竞争对手!游戏中的3D建模让您体验到一个令人兴奋的游戏。优秀的图形和游戏中不同场景的设计提供了一个非常好的游戏体验。您可以在查看游戏的屏幕截图后,从Usroid下载并安装最新的官方更新。游戏NARUTO X BORUTO NINJA VOLTAGE已在Google Play上获得超过1000万次下载,评分为4.0 / 5.0

注意: 这是一个在线网络游戏,没有模式[无法被黑客攻击]。