Pico Tanks: Multiplayer Mayhem v60.1.0 – 新的更新为Pico坦克的动作竞争游戏

Pico Tanks: Multiplayer Mayhem – Pico Tanks: Multiplayer Mayhem is a highly entertaining and exciting game from the Australian studio Panda Arcade, which has been released for free in the action genre and is available to Android users through Google Play. Usroid is proud to announce that this game is being introduced for the first time among all Iranian websites to you dear ones. This game is one of those well-made and highly competitive games that is highly addictive. In the world of Pico Tanks, you enter a fantasy world and compete with hundreds and thousands of other players from all over the world. You have to ride your own special tank and compete with others. This game is a fast-paced and action-packed title that includes 3v3 or three-on-three group competitions. In this game, which has a lot of similarities in terms of design and gameplay to the game PvPets: Tank Battle Royale, you and other players are present on a map and have to work together to eliminate enemy forces one by one. Each round of the game has a specific time and the team with the most kills will win. Therefore, it can be said that Pico Tanks: Multiplayer Mayhem is heavily dependent on team combat strategies and tactics. If team members are coordinated, they can easily defeat their opponents. Therefore, we recommend that if you are looking for victory, have a good relationship with your teammates and try not to distance yourself from them. Fortunately, these competitions can also be played with friends or if you want, you can play with other online players who are almost at the same level as you on a map.


Pico Tanks: Multiplayer Mayhem


游戏Pico Tanks: Multiplayer Mayhem拥有多种不同的模式,非常令人兴奋。这些模式包括夺旗模式和运输货物模式。在夺旗模式中,您的任务是保护一个区域,其中有一面旗帜,并阻止敌人进入该区域。为此,您必须尽量在旗帜周围出现,并在敌人接近时将其摧毁。在这种模式下,如果您在对面,您必须尝试接近一个指定的区域,其中有一面旗帜,并且在该区域内站立,以夺取该旗帜。有趣的运输货物模式也是一种非常吸引人的游戏,您必须将一个货物从一个点运送到另一个点。在敌人的路线上,他们会试图瞄准您或运输货物的任何坦克,并且窃取所需的包裹。您必须尽量减少与敌人的交战,并尽快将该包裹运送到指定的地点。如果您在对立的团队中,情况将完全相反,您的任务是阻止运送货物的坦克到达指定的地点。这款游戏设计有非常吸引人的图形,具有丰富的功能。Pico Tanks: Multiplayer Mayhem的吸引力之一是可以以每秒60帧的速度运行,以获得流畅而独特的游戏体验。您可以在游戏中购买各种不同的物品,并使用不同的物品来定制或升级您的坦克。这款非常美丽和令人着迷的游戏现在可以从Usroid的服务器下载。所以不要犹豫,立即下载这款令人上瘾的游戏,并享受纯粹的乐趣。

注意: 此游戏目前处于预注册阶段,尚未公开发布最终版本。因此,可能无法在某些设备上正确运行。


– 下载数据文件并解压缩。将com.pandaarcade.picotanks文件夹复制到Android/obb内部存储设备的路径中。