Unified Remote Full v3.22.3 – A popular and useful application “Control your computer with your phone” for Android
Price: $3.99 and rating of 4.7 out of 5.0 on the Google Play Store

不同的软件可以通过智能手机来控制个人电脑,我们已经为您介绍了一些,但几乎所有这些软件都只能通过Wi-Fi来工作。今天,我们要介绍一款不同的应用程序:Unified Remote Full,通过它,您可以在几秒钟内轻松地通过蓝牙或Wi-Fi来控制电脑!您可以轻松地控制和管理鼠标、键盘和您喜爱的应用程序,并轻松完成您的工作。这款实用的应用程序Unified Remote Full,我们今天在Usroid上提供了其完整和付费版本,具有多个可选的遥控器,您可以选择和使用适合您的不同软件的控制。安装此应用程序后,您可以通过智能手机控制Windows媒体播放器,使用电脑浏览器浏览不同的网页,享受愉快的上网体验,或查看和编辑文件和其他文件夹。


Unified Remote Full


Full version of the above program has more features than the regular version, such as controlling browsers like Firefox, Internet Explorer and Chrome, controlling music players like foobar2000 or Google Music, controlling PowerPoint and viewing photos through Windows Photo Viewer. The full and paid version, priced at $3.99, is now available for download, which you can get for free with just one click. It is worth mentioning that despite being a paid app, it has been well received by users around the world and has had over 50,000 sales. It has also achieved an outstanding rating of 4.6 out of 5.0. To see images of the app’s interface and download it, join us at Usroid
