Plug & Play v1.2.3 – A very special and unique game for connecting and running on Android + Trailer
The full and purchased version of the game with a price of $2.99 is dedicated to you dear ones
Tested for offline play

Plug & Play – اتصال و اجرا adalah sebuah karya seni yang unik dan khas dari studio Swiss, Etter Studio, yang diproduksi dan dirilis dalam gaya petualangan dengan elemen yang menarik, aneh, dan langka. Game ini dijual dengan harga $2.99 dan telah berhasil menarik perhatian banyak penonton. Game ini diproduksi oleh pengembang game populer KIDS, yaitu Michael Frei dan Mario von Rickenbach, dan memiliki desain dan fitur yang sama persis. Hanya studio yang menerbitkan game ini yang berbeda. Jadi jika Anda telah mencoba game KIDS, desain game Plug & Play akan sangat familiar bagi Anda. Selain itu, perlu dicatat bahwa Usroid sekali lagi, seperti game KIDS, telah memperkenalkan game Plug & Play untuk pertama kalinya di antara situs-situs Iran dan menyediakan unduhan untuknya. Pasti Anda sudah akrab dengan istilah Plug & Play dalam percakapan komputer atau setidaknya pernah mendengarnya. Plug & Play umumnya merujuk pada setiap sistem perangkat keras yang terhubung ke sumber daya listrik melalui port seperti (seperti port USB di komputer atau soket listrik di bangunan). Dengan definisi ini, dapat dikatakan bahwa game Plug & Play juga mengikuti aturan ini. Dalam game ini, kita akan mengendalikan objek-objek yang hidup. Karakter utama game ini adalah manusia yang memiliki kepala seperti colokan listrik dan karakter kedua juga sama seperti dia, hanya saja dia memiliki kepala seperti colokan input. Desain ini sebenarnya mewakili dua karakter yang saling melengkapi dan petualangan game ini berfokus pada kedua karakter ini bertemu.


Plug & Play


This game, despite its simplicity and lack of pollution, contains many deep and meaningful messages that may be difficult for anyone to receive and analyze! The game designs, although very simple and with no HD graphics or colorful colors, have a conceptual and unique gameplay that has made it an exceptional example. Perhaps with a closer look at this game, we can understand its enlightening messages. This game, along with other similar titles, is not available for regular players and its audience is very special people who enjoy the world of surreal arts and are highly interested in different works in the form of such games. Plug & Play has been nominated for multiple awards at various festivals, including the Nuovo Award at the Independent Games Festival 2015. According to the creators of the game, the process of starting and ending the story of this game is summarized in a 10 to 15 minute gameplay. Interestingly, players have had various and different interpretations of the story of Plug & Play by completing the game and discovering its story. Therefore, if you are also interested in such attractive works, you can purchase and download the complete version of the game from Usroid servers and share your own interpretation of the game with us and Usroid users. It should be noted that this game has been downloaded more than 10,000 times so far and has a score of 4.0 out of 5.0 by its players.