500个深蹲-强壮的腿部锻炼 v2.8.5 使用安卓手机完成500个深蹲

Scott or squat is one of the main movements in sports and bodybuilding that almost all athletes do. This movement is specifically designed for the leg and buttock muscles and focuses more on building lower body muscles. Squats are known as a mother movement because they involve several important muscles simultaneously and significantly increase overall body strength and structure. Fortunately, there is no need for special equipment to perform this movement and most squats are done with body weight. Squats are suitable for people who do not have a history of exercise, as they are not too heavy or difficult and everyone is capable of doing them. However, in bodybuilding gyms, this movement is accompanied by weights, making it a difficult and heavy exercise. If you want to exercise at home and have beautiful, firm and muscular legs and buttocks, as well as lose weight, this exercise is suitable for you. Today, we are here to provide you with a program that teaches a series of squat movements visually and helps you perform them. A 500 Squats – Strong Leg Workout is the title of an application for teaching squat movements, providing workout programs, and tracking progress in sports, specifically for the Android operating system, developed by the Power Ups software group and published for free on Google Play. There are more than 18 different squat movements in this program that have been carefully selected to have the most impact in the shortest amount of time. These movements are included in workout programs that are tailored to your physical condition and are tracked by the application. If you feel that you are not capable of doing 500 squat movements in one workout session and this is impossible for you, just follow this program to reach even higher numbers in a relatively short period of time.

一些程序的功能和特点 A 500 Squats – Strong Leg Workout 安卓版:

  • 经过测试和有效的不同类型的锻炼和动作
  • 根据您的身体能力和表现制定锻炼计划
  • 提供您的进步情况的统计数据和图表
  • 提醒您锻炼时间
  • 具有令人上瘾、有效和高效的激励系统
  • 在最短的时间内达到结果
  • 简单美观的用户界面
  • 挑战朋友和其他用户的可能性
  • 拥有超过18种不同的锻炼动作,从众多动作中精选出来。

应用程序A 500 Squats – Strong Leg Workout已经获得安卓用户的满意度,从谷歌Play获得了4.6分的优秀评分。现在,您可以从Usroid免费获取此应用程序的完整高级版本,包含所有功能和功能。此应用程序是根据您的要求推荐的,现在最新的完整版本就在您面前。

版本变更 v2.8.5



A 500 Squats - Strong Leg Workout Premium