山脉疯狂 v2.1.70 + 模式 – 令人兴奋的游戏“企鹅滑雪”为安卓设备
普通版本 + 模式版本(已解锁)分开提供

Mountain Madness – Penguin Skiing Adventure is a simple yet highly entertaining game that has been developed and published for Android devices for free. The studio responsible for creating and publishing this game is JaffaJam from New Zealand. For the first time in Iran, Usroid invites you to experience a new and challenging entertainment on your Android mobile or tablet by providing both the regular and mod versions of this game. Mountain Madness is a skill-based game from the adventure and action genre. In Mountain Madness, you play as a penguin living in a small house in a snowy mountain, when suddenly a terrifying sound of an avalanche is heard from the mountain. He has no time to gather his belongings and the only thing he has with him is his skis or snowboard! Now you have to take on the role of this penguin, riding on your skis and skiing down the mountain as fast as possible. The deadly and relentless avalanche is chasing you and if you hesitate for just a few moments, it will catch up to you and engulf you! So the first essential factor in Mountain Madness is to move at high speed. But that’s not your main challenge! Your main challenge is the various obstacles you will encounter along the way. In this game, you are skiing down a mountain, and the obstacles in front of you are trees, rocks, and other obstacles that will stop you and make you lose the game if you collide with them.


Mountain Madness


在游戏Mountain Madness中,还有一个有趣的障碍物,那就是在这座山里的道路。这些道路上总是有大量的车辆行驶,您在通过这些道路时与这些车辆发生碰撞和事故的可能性非常高!注意力,专注力和时间管理是您在这个游戏中所需要的。通过无缺陷地完成关卡,您可以获得分数和奖励箱。通过分数,您可以购买更好的装备,如滑雪板或更好的雪橇,并解锁其他角色和生物,如灰熊。通过接近障碍物,您还可以获得特殊的Near Miss分数。在游戏中,您还可以看到其他滑雪选手。如果他们比您小,您可以通过踩他们获得分数,同时也可以制造出有趣和幽默的场景。要玩这个简单而有趣的游戏,您不需要任何特殊的技能。游戏控制器也非常简单,您只需要用一个手指就可以玩游戏。作为伊朗的第一个网站,Usroid提供了最新版本的这款游戏,经过测试的版本和修改版,供您免费下载。
