n-Track Studio 9 Pro Music DAW v9.3.6 – 安卓完整且功能强大的录音工作室应用程序

Mixing, mastering, effects, and many other edits on audio files require special knowledge in this field and various tools; which can be very expensive in many cases. Sometimes we need to edit custom audio files and address our needs only a few times to this type of tool. In such situations, your Android device can simulate an unparalleled studio for you! n-Track Studio 9 Pro Music DAW is the title of a complete and feature-rich recording studio for Android published by n-Track Software. As mentioned in the above description, this software turns your smart device into an amazing recording studio; allowing you to record different sounds, mix them together, and add various effects to make them more attractive. After recording a monotonous melody, add it as background to your songs to experience a new and unique experience in a simple environment. Finally, it should be noted that a simulated guitar and drum pad are also available to you, dear ones!

一些 n-Track Studio 9 Pro Music DAW for Android 的功能和特色:

  • 将安卓智能设备转换为功能齐全的录音工作室
  • 支持单声道和立体声
  • 无限制地调用和混合音乐
  • Aux群组和通道
  • MIDI钢琴卷帘编辑器
  • 保持音调顺序
  • MIDI键盘显示屏
  • 功能强大的均衡器和彩色调音器
  • 对音频文件应用各种效果
  • 模拟吉他和贝斯放大器的插件
  • 访问功能齐全的鼓垫
  • 调整所需频率

应用n-Track Studio 9 Pro Music DAW拥有多种功能和选项,以智能环境为基础,以29.99美元的价格获得了4.1分(满分5分)的评价,现在您可以从网站Usroid获取最新购买的版本;在我们的版本中,所有功能都是免费的。


n-Track Studio 9 Pro Music DAW