Pinterest 11.41.0 – 新的社交网络应用程序Pinterest的更新版本,适用于Android

Pinterest – Pinterest is a popular and interesting social network for sharing your images, which considers itself a virtual pinboard and has been able to attract many fans in the short time since its opening and is considered a popular photo sharing network. Today, we intend to introduce the application of this social network for Android. The Pinterest website allows you to easily share interesting images that you see on various websites or have on your system, and to put it simply, pin them. You can also create unlimited albums of your own photos and share them with people all over the world. On this site, you can follow users’ pins just like social networks Facebook and Twitter, and leave comments on their posts. The design of Pinterest will definitely attract any user and has a beautiful and enjoyable appearance. Therefore, this popular social network has released its official application with the name Pinterest for the Android and iPad operating systems, so that users of this service can easily share their image data and make their access to this social network easier.




安卓应用Pinterest – 品兴趣已经被全球安卓用户下载超过5亿次,并被评为最受欢迎的社交网络应用程序之一,获得了4.5分的高分评价!现在,您可以从Usroid 免费直接下载最新版本的Pinterest应用程序到您的安卓智能手机。