[日历 – 太阳与月亮 v2.3.12 [无广告] – 专为安卓设备设计的应用程序,用于确定太阳和月亮位置

Android apps have a great power that often surprises users. It is observed that these apps can even enter the field of astronomy and influence it. One of the challenges that photographers face is the position of the sun and the amount of light in a scene. Without sufficient knowledge in this area, all captured images may have very low quality. Therefore, one of the most important requirements for professional photographers is to identify the exact location of the sun. Calendar – Sun & Moon is the title of an amazing app for determining the position of the sun and moon, developed by KB@ for Android and published on Google Play. This app is used to determine the position of the sun and moon all over the world, and helps you determine the time of sunrise and sunset, twilight, length of day, moon phase, and more. This intelligent app allows photographers to choose the best time to take their photos. It also has a great impact on the performance of astronomy enthusiasts, as it provides suggestions and determines suitable times for observing celestial objects with higher accuracy.

一些Calendar – Sun & Moon Android应用程序的功能和特性:

  • 在当前时间确定星星的位置
  • 日出和日落时间,天文学和日常生活中的特定时间
  • 确定月亮达到最高点的时间
  • 计算最佳拍摄超凡图像的时间
  • 通过经纬度或在线地图确定当前位置
  • 预测月相和亮度

通过日历-太阳和月亮应用程序,借助其多种功能和特性,已成功获得Google Play用户的4.4分(满分5分)评分,已被下载数千次,并以1.99美元的内部支付收费。您现在可以从大型网站Usroid下载最新的无广告版本。在我们的版本中,所有功能都免费,并且没有任何广告。


Calendar - Sun & Moon