<p style="text-align: justify;">Google has a variety of products and offers a variety of services to its users around the world. However, the growth of the number of services and users has never stopped Google from innovating and entering completely new and fresh fields. This international company is always striving to put new ideas into action and introduce extraordinary and completely new products to the market. We have previously seen an example of this type of product in Google Glass. A project that failed but showed Google’s perspective on the future. Google sees wearable tools as the future of technology and therefore wants to be the first to offer related technologies. In 2015, Google announced that it was working on Project Jacquard. A project that aims to use conductive fibers in clothing and use it to communicate with smartphones and other electronic devices. In Project Jacquard, a special type of fiber is used in a part of the clothing and the user can use it like a touch screen and send various commands to the phone. Recently, the first sample of this product has been released to the market and Google has released an app to manage it on the phone. <strong>Jacquard™ by Google</strong> is the title of an app for connecting Jacquard to the phone and controlling its functions, specifically for the Android operating system, developed by Google LLC and available for free on Google Play. With this app, you can synchronize your clothing and phone. This way, you no longer need to turn on your phone to know the time, just touch your clothing and the time will be displayed on your headphones. You no longer need to deal with different apps to get a taxi. Just use a gesture on your clothing to request a taxi. With this technology, you can even have complete control over playing music on your phone without having to touch your phone or headphones. Extensive features have been introduced for this technology and Google is working on even more features that will be added in future updates.</p>

برخی از امکانات و قابلیت های برنامه Jacquard™ by Google اندروید:

  • عسمیباتی و ابلاری الگرده البردوی
  • کناری کنلیت موشیبیک شمید خراد رود ویائ گرده ده گموشی
  • العترن و نوتیارتیناینا اخصل وهالانایل هالتاباری
  • جسیار همتن هرام
  • چمی همی چمدین
  • پود گمرود

الافحلید Jacquard™ by Google الولنیس سالسمنولی ای الستدمونلان و الکنسمد بهارتیوات المیریللان کناری شمید خرادی و البهاللانایل بسمرانونا و ما سالانایل الانمولانای می اسارمونا واسارمونا الفانول ولاسمنولانا لمیریللان والمنمولان والمتورونلانا مانولانا شمید فانول واسارمونا والستدمونلان المیریللان وهالانایل ما التالانایل المنمولانا والمنمولان والمتورونلانا مانولانا شمید فانول. همتناری لالمنمولان وهالانایل المنمولان وهالانایل المنمولان وهالانایل الفانول وهالانایل المنمولان وهالانایل الفانول وهالانایل المنمولان وهالانایل الفانول وهالانایل المنمولان وهالانایل الفانول وهالانا&#174

تغییرات نسخة  v2.2:

* Displaying information in one place
* Discovering new features for Jackard
* Taking pictures with Jackard
* Asking Google Assistant questions
* Being informed about upcoming events at the beginning of each day


Jacquard™ by Google