OVIVO v1.0.3 – A unique and entertaining arcade game “Ovivo” for Android + Trailer
The purchased and complete version of the game is presented to you for $1.99
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OVIVO – Oviwo (full name: OVIVO – Black and White Platformer Game) is a unique and strange title in the classic platformer game genre from the arcade category, which is based on abstract and allegorical themes of a fantasy world. The Kazakhstani studio Alexandr Vilassak is the developer and publisher of this game, which has made it available to Android users worldwide as a paid package for $1.99, and we also introduce the latest updated version of the purchased game for download in this article. Alexandr Vilassak is an individual developer and OVIVO is his first professional project. In terms of its abstract and conceptual designs, this game is similar to games like KIDS and unWorded. The designs and features of OVIVO – Black and White Platformer Game are so strange and unique that you have probably never seen anything like it before. In this game, as a black and white platformer, you play as a creature named OVO in a strange and dreamlike world where everything is black and white. There is a clear boundary between black objects and white objects in this world, but OVO has the ability to adapt to both colors. This black and white world is as simple and mysterious as the black and white visual and abstract arts. OVO sets out on a journey to discover many hidden secrets in different parts of this mysterious world.


OVIVO - Black and White Platformer Game


在游戏OVIVO – 黑白平台游戏中,您将控制主角并通过具有挑战性的关卡,克服其中的特定威胁。实际上,主角需要收集特定的标志并到达特定的地点。这些标志和物品将帮助您发现游戏故事的更多部分。但有趣的是,每个玩家都可以根据自己在游戏中的成就,获得独特的故事体验!我们所说的世界充满了秘密,隐藏的信息,当然还有很多幻想。因此,并不是每个人都能轻易生存。此外,您能否与这个黑白世界建立良好的联系并理解它,取决于您的想象力。在游戏玩法方面,OVIVO – 黑白平台游戏采取了特殊的机制。整个游戏环境都是黑白的,两种颜色之间有明确的边界。主角可以改变颜色并进入任何部分。通过利用这种能力,您需要尝试选择正确的路径,并避免与威胁,陷阱和类似挑战的接触。游戏开发者表示,在这个游戏的物体和设计中,隐藏了数十张图片和秘密信息,只有少数玩家能够识别出这些信息。除了其独特的特点外,OVIVO还采用了精美的音效和特别是令人印象深刻的原声音乐,以增强其影响力。如果您喜欢抽象和抽象游戏,并想要探索一个特殊而不同的世界,那么立即购买经过测试的OVIVO – 黑白平台游戏版本,从Usroid下载并在您的Android设备上安装。 Ovivo已经获得了超过1000次下载,获得了4.5分(满分5分)的评分。

* 添加对64位处理器的支持


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